Monday, January 27, 2014

So i'm about 5 glasses of sangria in and scrolling through facebook. I'm elated that my friends are in love and starting families and happy that others are embracing new ideas. Instead of taking this moment and focusing on the what if's, I'm going to focus on the soon to be's. Embrace the positive energy and keep doing what I need to, to keep pushing through the obstacle of depression which I usually let get the better of me. Fuck that. I feel good, I've been exercising, I have more energy, I'm learning the things i need to advance to the next level in my career and i'm scouting for and apartment(that I can afford thanks to moving). I'm Good! Staying positive and ENDORSING positive is all I want to do for the new year! Enjoying my transition thus far!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

So I'll try this one more time

With the popularity of most quick blog sites and the intrinsic want to be lazy, I have found myself time and time again neglecting this blog. A quick re-post makes more sense in my mind than not putting some thought into what I alone have control over. My Blog, My words,my thoughts, Me; in a form I rarely have a desire to share with the rest of the world anymore. This is supposed to be a kaleidoscope into my world. All the pretty colors I see when there is nothing but the sun on the horizon,gently caressing the clouds as they lay down to go to sleep. At a time when internal clocks are getting reset and priorities are flipped. This will be my outlet, my confidant, my counsel and my solace. Journeying to find my inner peace, resilience, and strength. Sharing the experience of Walking on the Moon.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sound matrix

Okay so I found this site add on today and I thought it would be cool to share it with you enjoy!

S/N: I'm Baaaack!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Way to go Samoa!!!! they are the first country in decades to make the switch from the right to the left side of the road without a single accident being reported the first day! I wish the signal light on I-95 transition would have went so smooth.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

12 sided calender

This website allow you to print and create your own 12 sided calender. i thought it was cute.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hello World!

This is the start of a new journey for me as i post my thoughts and feelings on what i find interesting in the world. I will try to post as many relevant and intersting posts as i can spare the time to. I love music, the beach, and alot of nerdy/wierd/... type stuff so follow along for an interesting and dare i say impactful ride.